Now I am supposed to send it to ten people who make me smile.
MagnetoBold Too! because she not only makes me smile, she makes me laugh til it hurts, she is very real and genuine, and deserves many more of these Bling.
Chookie because her garden blog is great, she isn't writing it along the lines of, you must do this or that, she is just open and honest and sharing what she does, thinks, feels and knows about gardens. I loved the description of the abandoned house and its rambling garden.
Kin well lets just say I completely get her study habits, I am always amazed at how much she does each day and week and how organised she is. I love your savings challenge too.
Precious_1 very down to earth, lovely lady. I enjoy reading her blog and she really is a Precious_1.
Barn Stories hehe I loved reading this, the trials of small girls, the barn, the plumbers and the cute finds from the emporium. Tis a pity WA is sooo far away from here.
Lightening oh my she is amazing. After all you have been through, you are so much stronger than you realise and such a great mother, even if there are days you doubt it.
Tess your stitching is amazing, I only wish I could do things like that (mine end up in loads of knots). It is very inspiring to see just how much you can focus on tiny stitches even when the rest of your world is throwing you the rollercoaster loops and curves. I think I would just lie there and be catatonic in the same situations.
Lizzie is a font of information and blog layouts, well i think it has changed many many times since she first started blogging, one could get severely sidetracked with all of Lizzie's links and stuff, definitely a good place to go when you need to just chill and not really have to do anything for a few hours.
GirlReporter Lol I love your blog, please keep it up and don't be afraid to take some wild imaginitive flights of fancy or to embellish if necessary, its great, keep writing.
Jess & The Girle wow that Girle can scrap and her mums scrapping is pretty cool too, can I send my girly to learn too, she is 6.5yrs and would kill to have the chance to do that regularly (don't tell her i own scrapping stuff, she will steal it before i ever have the chance to really use it, i need to get more photos printed and buy more bits n bobs for it, let alone finish things like painting the walls and redoing the bathroom before i start any more projects lol)
And I know this makes 11, but this wonderful lady Caroline has some awe inspiring designs and has made herself a business out of it, you go girl.
Ok well my first giving out of Bling. That wasn't too hard, well it would have been if i had to choose who the 10 out of the 11 favourite blogger's I know were.A very special one to a special lady, who was celebrating her birthday on Tuesday.
Hugs Ladies, You all make my day very bright and even in my grumpiest foulest moments, I can not wait to get my computer back and check out how your day has been and what coffee splurting stories you have in store for us all. ( I can not wait for DS room to be finished so the now repaired second machine can be set up in there, I wont have to fight to use my own computer then lol).
lol Cool!! Thanks Erin. I'm not sure that I have ten blogs yet that I read regularly but will see how I go! lol Thanks hon
If you don't mind I won't put it up again on my blog :)
Wish it was prettier though!
LOL well i put a prettier one up just for you Kel!
Thanks Erin! How do I add an exclamation mark to that phrase? Thanks Erin! ! ???? LOL.
I'm still trying to work out how come I hadn't worked out you started a blog. Musta had my eyes closed or something.
I know...I'm just slow. That's why they call me "Lightening". LOL.
Thanks for your sweet comments about me. You're a doll! :-)
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